Localization Help us translating our projects

Both zathura and girara support translations as of version 0.1.1. Since we currently only provide German translation files we need your help to get them translated into other languages.

## Transifex transifex is an open source platform for localization which offers users an easy-to-use interface to submit translations to various projects hosted on a number of hosting platform types.

All of our projects are available on transifex and can be translated smoothly online:

## Manually

If you don't want to signup on transifex, there is another possibility to help us: At first you have to check out the "develop" branch of girara or zathura. For girara this is done like this:

 $ git clone https://github.com/pwmt/girara.git
 $ cd girara
 $ git checkout -b develop origin/develop

Then you should run the update-po make target to get an up-to-date version of the PO template and update the existing translations:

 $ make update-po

Now you can have a look at the files in the "po" directory. If you want to create a new translation, copy the pot file to "$name_of_the_locale.po" and start working on it. If you want to update an existing translation file just edit the file.

When you're done please send the file to the mailing list to zathura@lists.pwmt.org for zathura and to girara@lists.pwmt.org for girara. You can also create a bug in our bug tracker.