This section describes settings concerning the behaviour of libgirara
### n-completion-items Defines the maximum number of displayed completion entries
### exec-command Defines a command the should be prepanded to any command run with exec.
## Appearance settings This section describes settings concerning the look of zathura
### completion-bg Defines the background color that is used for command line completion entries
### completion-fg Defines the foreground color that is used for command line completion entries
### completion-group-bg Defines the background color that is used for command line completion group elements
### completion-group-fg Defines the foreground color that is used for command line completion group elements
### completion-highlight-bg Defines the background color that is used for the current command line completion element
### completion-highlight-fg Defines the foreground color that is used for the current command line completion element
### default-fg Defines the default foreground color
### default-bg Defines the default background color
### font Defines the font that will be used
### guioptions Shows or hide certain GUI elements
Character Description -- c Always show the command line, even when empty s Statusbar
### inputbar-bg Defines the background color for the inputbar
### inputbar-fg Defines the foreground color for the inputbar
### notification-error-bg Defines the background color for an error notification
### notification-error-fg Defines the foreground color for an error notification
### notification-warning-bg Defines the background color for a warning notification
### notification-warning-fg Defines the foreground color for a warning notification
### tabbar-fg Defines the foreground color for a tab
### tabbar-bg Defines the background color for a tab
### tabbar-focus-fg Defines the foreground color for the focused tab
### tabbar-focus-bg Defines the background color for the focused tab
### show-scrollbars Defines if scrollbars should be shown or not
### statusbar-bg Defines the background color of the statusbar
### statusbar-fg Defines the foreground color of the statusbar
### window-height Defines the window height on startup
### window-width Defines the window width on startup