jumanji a web browser

The customization of jumanji is be managed via a configuration file called jumanjirc. By default jumanji will evaluate the following files:

  • /etc/jumanjirc
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/jumanji/jumanjirc

The jumanjirc file is a simple plain text file that can be populated with various commands to change the behaviour and the look of jumanji which we are going to describe in the following subsections. Each line (besides empty lines and comments (which start with a prepended #) is evaluated on its own, so it is not possible to write multiple commands in one single line.

## set - Changing options In addition to the build-in :set command jumanji offers more options to be changed and makes those changes permanent. To overwrite an option you just have to add a line structured like the following

 set <option> <new value>

The option field has to be replaced with the name of the option that should be changed and the new value field has to be replaced with the new value the option should get. The type of the value can be one of the following:

  • INT - An integer number
  • FLOAT - A floating point number
  • STRING - A character string
  • BOOL - A boolean value ("true" for true, "false" for false)

In addition we advice you to check the options to get a more detailed view of the options that can be changed and which values they should be set to.

The following example should give some deeper insight of how the set command can be used

 set option1 5
 set option2 2.0
 set option3 hello
 set option4 hello\ world
 set option5 "hello world"

## map - Mapping a shortcut It is possible to map or remap new key bindings to shortcut functions which allows a high level of customization. The :map command can also be used in the jumanjirc file to make those changes permanent:

 map [mode] <binding> <shortcut function> <argument>

### Mode The map command expects several arguments where only the binding as well as the shortcut-function argument is required. Since jumanji uses several modes it is possible to map bindings only for a specific mode by passing the mode argument which can take one of the following values:

  • normal (default)
  • visual
  • insert
  • index

The brackets around the value are mandatory.

#### Single key binding The (possible) second argument defines the used key binding that should be mapped to the shortcut function and is structured like the following. On the one hand it is possible to just assign single letters, numbers or signs to it:

 map a shortcut_function
 map b shortcut_function
 map c shortcut_function
 map 1 shortcut_function
 map 2 shortcut_function
 map 3 shortcut_function
 map ! shortcut_function
 map ? shortcut_function

#### Using modifiers It is also possible to use modifiers like the Control or Alt button on the keyboard. It is possible to use the following modifiers:

  • A - Alt
  • C - Control
  • S - Shift

Now it is required to define the binding with the following structure:

 map <A-a> shortcut_function
 map <C-a> shortcut_function

#### Special keys jumanji allows it also to assign keys like the space bar or the tab button which also have to be written in between angle brackets. The following special keys are currently available:

Identifier Description

BackSpace Back space CapsLock Caps lock Esc Escape Down Arrow down Up Arrow up Left Arrow left Right A7row right F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 F4 F4 F5 F5 F6 F6 F7 F7 F8 F8 F9 F9 F10 F10 F11 F11 F12 F12 PageDown Page Down PageUp Page Up Return Return Space Space Super Windows button Tab Tab

Of course it is possible to combine those special keys with a modifier. The usage of those keys should be explained by the following examples:

 map <Space> shortcut_function
 map <C-Space> shortcut_function

#### Mouse buttons It is also possible to map mouse buttons to shortcuts by using the following special keys:

Identifier Description - - Button1 Mouse button 1 Button2 Mouse button 2 Button3 Mouse button 3 Button4 Mouse button 4 Button5 Mouse button 5

They can also be combined with modifiers:

 map <Button1> shortcut_function
 map <C-Button1> shortcut_function

#### Buffer commands If a mapping does not match one of the previous definition but is still a valid mapping it will be mapped as a buffer command:

 map abc quit
 map test quit

#### Shortcut functions The following shortcut functions can be mapped:

Function Description --
focus_inputbar Focus inputbar goto_homepage Goto homepage goto_parent_dir Goto parent dir of current URL navigate_history Navigate through the history put Open URL from clipboard quit Quit jumanji reload Reload current page restore Restore closed tab(s) scroll Scroll show_source Show source code of current site yank Copy current URL to clipboard zoom Zoom

#### Pass arguments Some shortcut function require or have optional arguments which influence the behaviour of them. Those can be passed as the last argument:

 map <C-i> zoom in
 map <C-o> zoom out

Possible arguments are:

  • bottom
  • default
  • down
  • full-down
  • full-up
  • half-down
  • half-up
  • in
  • left
  • next
  • out
  • previous
  • right
  • specific
  • top
  • up
  • best-fit
  • width

### unmap - Removing a shortcut In addition to mapping or remaping custom key bindings it is possible to remove existing ones by using the :unmap command. The command is used in the following way (the explanation of the parameters is described in the map section of this document

 unmap [mode] <binding>