zathura-pdf-poppler PDF support for zathura (poppler backend)

The zathura-pdf-poppler plugin adds PDF support to zathura by using the poppler rendering engine.

## Dependencies * poppler

## Installation It is recommended to install it from your prefered package manager. Otherwise you can grab the latest version of the source code from our website and build it by hand:

 $ tar xfv zathura-pdf-poppler-<version>.tar.xz
 $ cd zathura-pdf-poppler-<version>
 $ mkdir build
 $ meson build
 $ cd build
 $ ninja
 $ ninja install

## Known supported distributions * Arch Linux * Debian * Fedora * Gentoo * Ubuntu

## Installation (Developer version) For the installation of the zathura-pdf-poppler plugin follow the instructions:

 $ git clone
 $ cd zathura-pdf-poppler
 $ git checkout --track -b develop origin/develop
 $ mkdir build
 $ meson build
 $ cd build
 $ ninja
 $ ninja install


The latest version of zathura-pdf-poppler is 0.3.3.

If you are searching for older verions of zathura-pdf-poppler follow this link.

Source code

If you are interested in the source code you can either browse it online or clone the repository:

git clone